360° Seaview
The design of this 4,500 square feet luxury house adds new dimension to the magnificent exterior view. The house comprises 3-storey, with the dining area on the ground floor; living room situated one floor below and the bedrooms on the lowest floor. Seeing the potential to maximize the dramatic effect of the high ceiling, we decided to utilize a lot of floor-to-ceiling windows in areas such as the living room, the bedroom and the balcony. By exposing the interiors through full-height window, the design imparts airiness and creates a much brighter environment with the natural daylight.
Redhill Peninsula 1
Redhill Peninsula 2
Redhill Peninsula 10
Redhill Peninsula 9
Complemented by a selection of monotone furniture in white, the design delivers a clean, simple and contemporary look. The layout is segregated into the entertainment, kitchen and dining areas. The open kitchen design with built-in appliances maximize visual space; while the well-designed kitchen island offers the convenience for food preparation.
Redhill Peninsula 8

White Kitchen Design

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Redhill Peninsula 6
Redhill Peninsula 4
Redhill Peninsula 7

Hotel-style Bathroom Design

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Redhill Peninsula 5

We did a complete makeover of the layout. Utilizing the garage space, an additional massage room and a study were created.

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